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Art Projects

Hello! It's me, Wedfig (or Owen Schaumann) of Banned and TotR! I'm happy to announce two recurring comic projects I'll be uploading to this website (under the Art section). The first one is a samurai story set in modern times. Our main character has grown up in a cult-ish underground bunker alongside seven others (who all died in training). He returns to the surface to defeat the one person he was set out to defeat since he was born. The second is a series that can get as weird as I want it to. The plot JUSTIFIES the weirdness. It's not just random weird things. The plot moves along BECAUSE of the weird things (Warning: Weird is relative. This would be weird to the average person, but I'm not the average person. For me, this comic is just my mind). These projects should launch relatively soon, with one chapter of each story being released every week (different days of course). I will also be showing random pieces of art I create as well. I'll be showing these until said comics are ready to be unleashed. Until then, here's a piece of concept art for the second project (the weird one that's normal for me). This is probably the most normal concept art I could show you from the series. I'll be showing more in the coming weeks, each one weirder than the last. Thank you for being here. I can't wait for you all to see my series and art in general. I hope this one satisfies you for a while.

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